Casi Jenkins
Organ and Tissue Donor
/February 7, 2024
Casi was a mother of 3, a new grandmother, a sister, a daughter and a friend. She loved her family fiercely, loved the beach, loved babies and never met a stray animal she wouldn’t take in. She would give the shirt off her back for anyone and always had an animal in need she was caring for. Casi struggled with physical and mental health struggles throughout her life, but it is not her legacy. Her legacy is the act of giving. She was able to save lives through liver and kidney donation. She was also able to save even more through tissue donation. She always persuaded others to register as a donor, and I know she is so incredibly proud she was able to donate, as is her family. Donating life is a perfect example of how giving and selfless Casi was. We will miss her more than words can say, but it is an honor to know she will be living on through others. She is truly a hero and will always be remembered as a hero.
Saying thank you
Should you choose to connect, we're here to help. Letters and cards can be a tremendous gift to both the donor families and recipients. To protect everyone, we provide guidelines for communication. Names remain confidential unless both parties agree to share those with one another, and we provide a correspondence address. We are happy to share sample letters to help you get started.
For more information about corresponding with recipients, please call us at 615-564-3649.
One minute of your time now could mean a lifetime of moments.
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