Remembering Our
Donor Heroes

Christopher Brown

Organ Donor


July 6, 2019

My Brother Christopher Dale Brown passed away 07-06-2019 in Nashville, Tennessee. We donated his organs, and we cut his hair and donated it to Locks of Love in memory of him and our Mother Bonnie Lou Highfill who passed away 01-15-2010 from lung and brain cancer.

But I miss my brother so much. I still have his ashes and I am going to Gatlinburg to spread his ashes on my birthday in June.
He would give the shirt off his back for anyone. And he would help anyone he could. And he worked with his hands he was a good mechanic. Could build house and could do construction. And could do wiring and a/c heating and air and plumbing.

But I miss him so much.

Not only was he my brother he was also my Knight in shining armor and my best friend.

Even though he had hemophilia he was still a wonderful and loving and caring brother. He even helped me when I had my daughter in September of 1998. And he never left the hospital until me and my daughter got to go home and he took us home.

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Saying thank you

Should you choose to connect, we're here to help. Letters and cards can be a tremendous gift to both the donor families and recipients. To protect everyone, we provide guidelines for communication. Names remain confidential unless both parties agree to share those with one another, and we provide a correspondence address. We are happy to share sample letters to help you get started.

For more information about corresponding with recipients, please call us at 615-564-3649.

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