Cody Prater
Organ Donor
/July 13, 2021
My son Cody Prater, age 26, was declared brain dead on July 11th, 2021, following an incident on July 9th, 2021. We were told his brain had no chance of recovery, and we made the choice to donate his organs on July 13th, 2021. He saved 4 lives by donating his organs. Cody was always one that would help anyone. He has 3 children and a little sister who love and miss him everyday. I pray that the recipients of his organs are doing well. It gives me comfort knowing someone is walking around with part of Cody living inside them.
Saying thank you
Should you choose to connect, we're here to help. Letters and cards can be a tremendous gift to both the donor families and recipients. To protect everyone, we provide guidelines for communication. Names remain confidential unless both parties agree to share those with one another, and we provide a correspondence address. We are happy to share sample letters to help you get started.
For more information about corresponding with recipients, please call us at 615-564-3649.
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