Robert Allen Storie
Organ Donor
/November 21, 2020
Robert was a 36-year-old who had a smile that could light up any room he walked into. He loved life, worked hard and had a zest for love, life, God and his circle of family and friends.
My son Robert was a 36-year-old, very active young man. Over the course of his life, he battled addiction with drugs and alcohol. He was a carpenter by trade and worked long hours weekly.
In November 2020, the day after Thanksgiving, he got up with a headache and was later found unresponsive. Tragically, he suffered a massive stroke. Robert had made the decision to be an organ donor and had made that public knowledge on his birthday in August prior to his stroke. Although, we hated to part with such a loving son and kind soul, it was never an option for us not to donate or to second guess what he would have desired.
Vanderbilt and TN Donor Services helped us through the entire process and led us, making his decision happen with love, respect and kindness. There has not been a day of regret on our part. I know through Robert’s decision and love for life he has given hope and a second chance to someone that might not otherwise have it. I am grateful for Robert’s life, heart and love for his fellowman, and because of his decision to follow Christ when he was 8 years old, that I can see and spend eternity with him when my time here is done. I too will be an organ donor.
TN Donor Services and their staff have become an extension of our family. I am eternally grateful for their leadership, love and grace that is portrayed when consoling families that might not be at a good place when faced with the talk of organ donation. I pray that God will use me to give hope to others through the grief of losing a child and that I might give understanding and love to another family during a difficult time and build a network of connections for life and love.
Saying thank you
Should you choose to connect, we're here to help. Letters and cards can be a tremendous gift to both the donor families and recipients. To protect everyone, we provide guidelines for communication. Names remain confidential unless both parties agree to share those with one another, and we provide a correspondence address. We are happy to share sample letters to help you get started.
For more information about corresponding with recipients, please call us at 615-564-3649.
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