Remembering Our Donor Heroes

Donor Wall Memorial

Donation changes lives. We honor all donor heroes who made lifesaving and changing gifts. Please share a memorial tribute honoring your special donor hero. It may give hope to those waiting and inspire others to register as organ, eye and tissue donors. Thank you for supporting your loved one’s decision to save lives.

Donor Memorials

To read their memorial tribute, please click on the donor hero’s name.

Submit a Memorial

*By submitting a photo you are authorizing Sierra Donor Services / New Mexico Donor Services / Tennessee Donor Services / DCI Donor Services Tissue Bank / DCI Donor Services to use, reproduce, and/or publish photographs and/or video that may pertain to me and my loved one—including my image, likeness and/or voice without compensation. I understand that this material may be used in various publications, public affairs releases, recruitment materials, broadcast public service advertising (PSAs) or for other related endeavors. This material may also appear on the Organization’s Internet Web Page. This authorization is continuous and may only be withdrawn by my specific rescission of this authorization. Consequently, the Organization or project sponsor may publish materials, use my name or my loved one’s name, photograph, and/or make reference to me, or my loved one, in any manner that the Organization or project sponsor deems appropriate in order to promote/publicize donor awareness, donate life messaging or organ donation and transplantation service opportunities.

One minute of your time now could mean a lifetime of moments.

Register to become an organ, eye, and tissue donor today.